Looking for a cool name for a new born baby?
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian baby names.
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian baby names.
YahooPunjab.com providing quality information and search
services on baby names to new parents. We have thousands of baby names for boys and girls : From the most popular to the traditional, the unusual, uncommon and unique, including latest and modern names that have been discovered or searched recently Choosing a baby name is so important. So please you need to spend some time to choose a baby name. Discuss with your all family members and friends about the name and its meaning before you select a baby name.
Indian Baby Girls Names Beginning with the following letters.
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian Baby Girl or Baby Boy Names.
Meanings have also been provided to assist you in the selection.
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian Baby Girl or Baby Boy Names.
Meanings have also been provided to assist you in the selection.
Baby Girl Names Beginning with letter M
Maanasa - mind
Maanika - ruby Madhavi - a creeper with beautiful flowers; springtime Madhavilata - a flowering creeper Madhu - honey Madhubala - sweet girl Madhuchanda - pleasing metrical composition Madhuksara - one who showers honey Madhulata - lovely creeper Madhulekha - beautiful Madhulika - honey Madhumalati - a flowering creeper Madhumati - full of honey Madhunisha - pleasant night Madhur - sweet Madhura - sweet Madhuri - sweetness Madhurima - sweetness Madhushri - the spring Madirakshi - woman with intozicating eyes Magana - engrossed Mahadevi - Goddess Parvati Mahagauri - Goddess Durga Mahajabeen - beautiful Mahalakshmi - Goddess Lakshmi Mahamaya - Goddess Durga Mahasweta - Goddess Saraswati Mahati - great; name of a raaga Mahi - the earth Mahijuba - a hostess Mahika - the earth Mahima - greatness Mahua - an intoxicating flower Maina - a bird Maithili - sita Maitreya - the name of a sage Maitreyi - name of a woman scholar Maitri - friendship Makshi - honeybee Mala - necklace; garland Malashree - an early evening melody Malati - Jasmine Malavika - princess of Malawa Malaya - a creeper Malina - dark Malini - florist; a river Mallika - jasmine Malti - small fragrant flower Mamata - affection Manali - a bird Manana - meditation Manasa Manasi - a lady Manda - a river Mandakini - a river Mandakranta - a Sanskrit metre Mandaraa - coral tree Mandarmalika - a garland of celestial Mandira - cymbals; home Mangala - auspicious Mangla - auspicious Manideepa - a lamp of precious stones Manik - gem Manikuntala - one whose hair is like gems Manimala - a string of pearls Manimekhala - a girdle of gems Manini - a lady Manisha - goddess of the mind; desire Manjari - the sacred basil; blossom Manjira - ankle-bells Manjistha - extremely Manju - snow; dew drops Manjubala - a sweet girl Manjula - melodious Manjulika - a sweet girl Manjusha - treasure chest Manjushri - sweet lustre Manjusri - Saraswati Manjyot - light of the mind Manmayi - jealous; Sri Radha Manorama - beautiful Manoranjana - entertaining; pleasing Manushri - Lakshmi Marala - swan Marichi - name of a star Marisa - mother of Daksa Markandeya - a devotee to Lord Shiva Matangi - Durga Mausumi - beauty; monsoon wind Maya - illusion Mayuka - peahen Mayukhi - peahen Mayura - illusion Mayuri - peahen Medha - intellect; Goddess Saraswati Medini - the earth Meena - precious blue stone Meenakshi - a woman wilth beautiful eyes Meera - a devotee of Krishna Megha - cloud Meghamala - array of clouds Meghana - cloud Mehal - cloud Mehbooba - beloved Meher - benevolence Mehrunissa - benevolent Mehul - cloud; rain Mekhala - girdle Mena - wife of the Himalayas Menaka - a celestial dancer Minal - a precious stone Minati - prayer Mirium - wished-for child Mita - a friend Mitali - friendship Mohana - attractive; charming Mohini - enchantress Mohisha - intellect Mridula - tendreness Mriganayani - doe-eyed Mrinal - lotus Mrinali - lotus Mrinalini - lotus Mrinalini - stem of lotus Mrinmayi - of the earth Mudra - expression Mudrika - ring Mugdha - spellbound Mukta - liberated; pearl Mukti - freedom from life and death Mukula - bud Mukulita - bud Muniya - name of a bird Mythili - sita Mythily - Seeta |
Please Note: The purpose of this list of Indian baby names is to help parents in choosing names for their newborns. This compilation of names and their meanings has been made from various and different sources. We did our best to do as accurate as possible. But it is your responsibility to make sure their accuracy and authenticity. We are not responsible for their accuracy and authenticity.