Ayurveda is the Sanskrit word (A language of India) which means “knowledge of life.”
Ayurvedic (also called Ayurveda) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. It originated in India and has evolved there over thousands of years. According to some sources up to 80 percent of people in India used to use some form of traditional medicines, a category which includes Ayurveda. Almost same in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan tradition of Ayurveda is very similar to the Indian tradition. Actually What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that is designed to help people live healthy long, and well balanced lives. It has been practiced in India over 5,000 years and has recently become popular in Western cultures. The basic principle of Ayurveda is to prevent and treat illness by maintaining balance in the body, mind, and consciousness through proper drinking, diet, and lifestyle, as well as herbal remedies.
There are two main types of Ayurveda: traditional and Maharishi. Maharishi is a version of traditional Ayurveda based on translations from the classical texts by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Both types of Ayurvedic practitioners prescribe herbs, believe that disease results from an imbalance in the doshas (see below), and use many of the same remedies for treating illness.
Maharishi Ayurveda, however, emphasizes the role of supreme consciousness in maintaining good health, and promotes transcendental meditation (TM) as a way to experience the pure consciousness of the universe. |
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It also highlights the expression of positive emotions and the need to attune your life to the natural rhythms of the body. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on rebalancing the doshas. On your first visit, the practitioner will take a detailed medical history, check your pulse, feel your abdomen, examine your tongue, eyes, nails, and skin, and listen to the tone of your voice. The practitioner will also ask you questions about your general health, paying special attention to your lifestyle, diet, habits, and surroundings.
The practitioner will then recommend ways to restore your natural dosha balance, which almost always includes changes in lifestyle, especially diet. Practitioners draw from more than 20 types of treatment, but the most commonly prescribed include:
Abhyanga -- rubbing the skin with herbal oil to increase blood circulation and draw toxins out of the body through the skin.
Herbal medicines -- prescribing herbs to restore dosha balance.
Pranayama -- breathing exercises. Practicing pranayama helps you feel calm.
Pancha karma -- cleansing the body to purify it and reduce cholesterol. Practitioners use methods that cause sweat, bowel movements, and even vomit to cleanse the body of toxins.
Rasayana -- using mantras (repeated words or phrases) during meditation combined with certain herbs to rejuvenate a person.
Herbal medicines -- prescribing herbs to restore dosha balance.
Pranayama -- breathing exercises. Practicing pranayama helps you feel calm.
Pancha karma -- cleansing the body to purify it and reduce cholesterol. Practitioners use methods that cause sweat, bowel movements, and even vomit to cleanse the body of toxins.
Rasayana -- using mantras (repeated words or phrases) during meditation combined with certain herbs to rejuvenate a person.
Yoga - combining pranayama, movement & meditation.
Yoga has been shown to improve blood circulation, digestion and to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels, anxiety, and chronic pain.
Yoga has been shown to improve blood circulation, digestion and to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol levels, anxiety, and chronic pain.
The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to prevent diseases. A number of Ayurvedic herbal remedies have been examined, though sometimes high quality studies are lacking. For example, guggul (Commiphoramukul), a traditional Ayurvedic medication used to treat high cholesterol, is widely used in India.
It appears to block production of cholesterol in the liver, lowering cholesterol levels. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) seeds can lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides (fats in the blood), and raise HDL cholesterol levels. Its effects seem to come from its ability to lower the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, and may be related to the high fiber content of the seed. The high fiber content of fenugreek seeds may also help control blood sugar if you have diabetes. Combining yoga with a certain Ayurvedic herbal remedy may reduce pain and disability in people with arthritis.
Note: Most Ayurvedic therapies, such as pranayama and rasayana, are unlikely to have side effects. Ayurvedic herbs, however, may interact with medications, and like all herbs, they are not right for every person; speak with your physician. Ask your health care provider about choosing quality supplements for you and your family.
This is only general information. For any health issue or before use any supplements please consult with your doctor.
This is only general information. For any health issue or before use any supplements please consult with your doctor.
*For any health issue please consult with your doctor.
Be sure to talk to your doctor before trying Ayurveda or any other supplements.