Looking for a cool name for a new born baby?
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian baby names.
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian baby names.
YahooPunjab.com providing quality information and search services on names to new parents. We have thousands of baby names for boys and girls : From the most popular to the traditional, the unusual, uncommon and unique, including latest and modern names that have been discovered or searched recently.
Choosing a baby name is so important. So please you need to spend some time to choose a baby name. Discuss with your all family members and friends about name and its meaning before you select a baby name.
Indian Baby Boys Names Beginning with the following letters.
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian Baby Girl or Baby Boy Names. Meanings have also
been provided to assist you in the selection.
Choose from our comprehensive database of Indian Baby Girl or Baby Boy Names. Meanings have also
been provided to assist you in the selection.
Baby Boy Names Beginning with C, Ch
Chaitanya ; knowledge , life
Chakradhar ; one who carries Chakra (Krishna, Vishnu) Chakrapani ; Lord Vishnu Chaman ; a garden Champak ; Champa ( flower ) , Pagoda ( flower ) Chandra ; moon Chandrabhushan ; Lord Shiva Chandradatt ; gift from the moon Chandradhar ; one who wears moon i.e. Lord Shiva Chandrahas ; bow of Lord Shiva Chandraj ; Mercury planet Chandrak ; peacock feather, moon Chandrakant ; a gem related to moon, moon Chandranath ; moon Chandarmouli ; Lord Shiva Chandrashekhar ; one who holds moon in his hair knot (Lord Shiva) Chandranshu ; moon ray, Lord Vishnu Chandresh ; Lord of the moon Chandan ; sandalwood Charan ; feet Charandas ; servant at the feet of somebody Charanjit ; one who has won over the Lord ( Charanjeet ) Charudutta ; born of beauty Chaturanan : one with four heads i.e. Lord Bramha Chaturvedi ; one who knows all the 4 Vedas Chetan ; life : living creature Chhailbehari ; Lord Krishna Chidambar ; one whose heart is as grand as the sky Chidanand ; Lord Bramha Chinmay ; full of knowledge, happiness Chintamani ; philosopher's stone, a wishing stone ( gem ) Chintan ; thought Chirag ; lamp Chiranjeev ; long lived, immortal Chiranjeet : Chirayu; immortal Chitraksh ; beautiful eyed Chitragupta ; Lord Yama's helper who is records all deeds Chittaranjan ; one who pleases the mind Chittaswarup ; the supreme spirit Chittaprasad ; happiness Chittesh ; ruler of mind Chudamani ; the best, crest Jewel |
Please Note: The purpose of this list of Indian baby names is to help parents in choosing names for their newborns. This compilation of names and their meanings has been made from various and different sources. We did our best to do as accurate as possible. But it is your responsibility to make sure their accuracy and authenticity. We are not responsible for their accuracy and authenticity.